From Jason’s Desk – Q3, 2022

Jason Lynch at his deskHello to all! Thanks for joining us for another edition of our Everkem Caulk Talk newsletter – where we talk about all things caulk, sealants, adhesives, and construction chemical products.

Whether you’re a loyal customer or unfamiliar with the Everkem brand, we aim to provide you with the resources you need to stay informed and improve your bottom line. We strive to keep you updated on current market conditions and provide product information, sales techniques, and application tips for your caulking craft.

When we started our Caulk Talk Newsletter, I never imagined the overwhelmingly positive responses from our readership. It turns out that people are looking for more than just a sales pitch in a newsletter. Who knew? For some readers, it has become an informative voice in the clutter of shipment delays, product shortages, and rising prices. For others, it’s been a relatable story of our day-to-day challenges as a small, grassroots caulk manufacturing company.

In this issue we’ll update you on the direction supply constraints and prices are trending, along with a bit of good news. From there we’ll learn more about sound – how it travels, and how our Sound Seal 90 Acoustical Sealant works to reduce sound transmission from one area to the next. Finally, in our employee spotlight, we’ll say hello – and goodbye – to our Marketing Director, Matt Lowman.

If you would like to reach out to me personally, please connect with me on LinkedIn or Instagram. I also invite you to give us a call, or visit us on LinkedIn or send us an email. Thank you very much!

Jason Lynch Signature