Mission, Vision & Culture

Who We Are:

Every day, we ask ourselves “Why?”. Why do we do what we do? At the end of the day, our “Why?” comes down to “Who”. Who we are, not only as a company- but as a team of individuals. Who we are allows us to manufacture great products, provide exceptional service, and continually improve.

– We are self-taught, passionate, and believe our company will take care of us if we work hard at making it better; and that our customers will take care of us if we work hard to take care of them.

– We are hard-working, down-to-earth people seeking to make a living and secure a good future by improving ourselves, our company, and the products we manufacture.

– We are hopeful, we love challenges, and like those we serve- have all faced and overcame adversity

– We are diverse in our backgrounds, yet all share common principles

– We take pride in our work, strive to be recognized for our achievements while actively seeking to improve.


Our mission is to ensure life safety, comfort, and security for people and families throughout the world through the manufacture and sale of firestopping and construction sealants that will enhance the fire-resistant integrity, energy efficiency, and aesthetic value of residential and commercial buildings.


We believe when you conduct business with the determination o fulfill your corporate mission, talented and committed individuals will naturally follow; creating a network of relationships that will create unlimited opportunities for all.


We are committed to challenging ourselves to grow every minute of every day as individuals and as a team so that we may provide a better life for ourselves, our families, our corporate network of relationships, and our society.


We strive to be recognized as individuals who are part of a corporate team that stays true to our mission, philosophy, and commitments. Our products will be known as “Top-Quality”. Our service and customer service and support will be viewed as the best in the industry. Our relationships we build with employees, customers, and vendors alike will be strong, long lasting partnerships that will provide prosperity and success for us all.


Our “12 Points Of Corporate Culture” defines the attitudes and behaviors we must instill within, both individually and as a company. To realize our potential, and to bring our vision to life, we must stay true to who we are. The 12 Points of Corporate Culture enable us to continue to grow as individuals and as a company. Internalizing these values and living by them, will enable us to realize our greatest potential, bring action to our vision, and remain true to who we are.










Positive Energy


Continuous Improvement

We passionately believe that adhering to these “Points of Corporate Culture” will enable us to continue to grow as individuals, and as a company. Internalizing these values, and living them each and every day will not only allow us to deliver ever-improving products and exceptional customer service- but  aid us in establishing deep, lasting relationships with one another as well as our customers.