GC-12 Multipurpose Polyurethane Foam And Gun Cleaner is designed to clean, protect and extend the working life of foam guns, can valves, and dispensing equipment. GC-12 can be used as a cleaner to dissolve and clean away uncured polyurethane foams and polyurethane adhesives prior to cure. GC-12 will not dissolve cured foam. GC-12’s environmentally friendly formula is also designed to prepare surface applications to enhance adhesion.
Product Features
• 36 months shelf life
• Multifunctional for manual and gun application
• Superb for cleaning and dissolving uncured polyurethane foam, sealants and adhesives.
• Excellent for surface preparation for enhanced adhesion.
• Essential for cleaning, maintenance and proper function of foam guns.
• Prevents sealing of can and gun valves between uses
All Metal Foam Gun - Everkem
All Metal Spray Gun designed for the application of single component polyurethane foam, packaged in pressurized cans - Everkem