From Jason’s Desk – Q3, 2021

JasonLynch 2021 O min

Hello, and thank you for joining us for the second edition of our Everkem Caulk Talk newsletter – where we talk about all things caulk, sealants, adhesives, and construction chemical products. This quarter’s newsletter will bring insight into the challenges the sealant and adhesive industry have been dealing with, alongside the outlook for materials and pricing that may impact you as we move into the fall and winter months.

From there, we will dive into the products, applications, and differences between Firestopping and Fireblocking and learn why it’s best to “call before you install.” We’ll also be highlighting an ICC-approved course (that can be used for Continuing Education requirements) developed and led by Sharron Halpert of Halpert Life Safety Consulting, which focuses on code compliance of Fireblocking materials.

You’ll also get to know our Southeast Territory Sales Manager Steven Johnson, as well as learn more about the cost-saving, low-waste alternative to standard pre-formed cartridges, sausage packs.

If you are a caulk, sealant, or adhesive installer, supply house counter guy (or girl), salesperson, purchasing agent, branch manager, business owner, code enforcement official, architect – or anyone else that needs to fill, seal, bond, or protect materials – we hope Caulk Talk helps position you to sharpen your sealant skills.

And hopefully, when you think about caulk, you think of Everkem. We’re passionate about becoming your trusted source for the sealants and adhesives industry and aim to help make sure your job gets done right.

If you would like to reach out to me personally, please connect with me on LinkedIn or Instagram. I also invite you to give us a call, visit us on LinkedIn or send us an email. Thank you very much!

Jason Lynch Signature