Jason’s Welcome

Quarter 2

Jason Lynch at his desk

Welcome to Everkem’s 2nd Quarter of 2024 edition of the Caulk Talk newsletter – where we talk about all things caulk, sealants, adhesives, and construction chemical products.

In this issue, we provide an inside look at how Everkem is restructuring our leadership team to support our ongoing growth and share an important industry advisory on products and materials.

Next, we highlight one of our sales rep partnerships, introduce you to a valued team member, and spotlight a featured product.

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Everkem & Accountability

Sometimes, I ask myself: “What were the odds that I would work a career in caulk?” You’ve probably never heard someone say: “When I grow up, I want to sell caulk!

However, that is exactly what I do and where I am: 51 years young and living the #caulklife dream. For 26 years now, I have been manufacturing and selling caulks, sealants, adhesives, and chemical compounds with my business partner, Chin Lin. It seems like a long time, and it goes by quickly.

Our journey began with a concrete mixer, hydraulic press, and a custom-made, hand-operated, spring-loaded jig. We were young, determined, and had a ‘whatever it takes’ attitude. Our initial goal was simply to keep the lights on. We were both hands-on, putting in the work day-in and day-out. As our operation grew, we faced numerous challenges, but we persevered. Today, we stand proud, having built an incredible manufacturing plant and an international brand.

You've probably Never heard someone say: "when I grow up, I want to sell caulk!"

Now finishing our 22nd year as Everkem business partners, we’ve learned a lot about building a business, but we realize we still have so much more to learn. Perhaps most importantly, we have learned the value of creating a great team. Learning how to hand things off and delegate took us a long time. For a long time, it seemed easier to do it ourselves than to teach and trust others to do it to our expectations. Now, we teach, trust, delegate, and focus on getting better and better.


Growing from 2 people to our current team of 35 has been an overwhelming journey, but we see light at the end of the tunnel. Now, using the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), we have started to better leverage and direct the strengths of our team. EOS has guided Lin and me to empower our team to take part in leadership decisions and to lead Everkem through its next stages of growth.

It’s amazing how opening our doors to good local talent has given us the unique chemistry of people to make Everkem a great place to work and a driving force in our industry. Finding people who get it, want it, and have the capacity to do it hasn’t been easy, but using the structure of the EOS Accountability Chart© has helped us to make sure we have the “RIGHT person in the RIGHT seat.” Utilizing this position-and-duties-based structure as the road map has helped us place leaders in the right position and has fostered a culture of teamwork and accountability.

As we embark on our 23rd year, we are more focused, aligned, and committed than ever. We are determined to meet our goals and push the boundaries of what we once thought was impossible. We are excited to continue writing our Everkem Story and invite you to be a part of it. We are committed, we are passionate, and we are continuously improving to not just meet, but exceed your expectations.

We are proud to reveal our leadership team and share our EOS journey experience with you. As much as we love what we do, it’s not all about the caulk. It’s about the process and journey of building a great company, regardless of the products we make. Thank you for following along, thank you for supporting us, and thank you for helping make #caulklife a reality. 

Jason Lynch Signature

Jason Lynch at his desk

Welcome to Everkem’s 2nd Quarter of 2024 edition of the Caulk Talk newsletter – where we talk about all things caulk, sealants, adhesives, and construction chemical products.

In this issue, we provide an inside look at how Everkem is restructuring our leadership team to support our ongoing growth and share an important industry advisory on products and materials.

Next, we highlight one of our sales rep partnerships, introduce you to a valued team member, and spotlight a featured product.

Everkem & Accountability

Sometimes, I ask myself: “What were the odds that I would work a career in caulk?” You’ve probably never heard someone say: “When I grow up, I want to sell caulk!

However, that is exactly what I do and where I am: 51 years young and living the #caulklife dream. For 26 years now, I have been manufacturing and selling caulks, sealants, adhesives, and chemical compounds with my business partner, Chin Lin. It seems like a long time, and it goes by quickly.

Our journey began with a concrete mixer, hydraulic press, and a custom-made, hand-operated, spring-loaded jig. We were young, determined, and had a ‘whatever it takes’ attitude. Our initial goal was simply to keep the lights on. We were both hands-on, putting in the work day-in and day-out. As our operation grew, we faced numerous challenges, but we persevered. Today, we stand proud, having built an incredible manufacturing plant and an international brand.

You've probably Never heard someone say: "when I grow up, I want to sell caulk!"

Now finishing our 22nd year as Everkem business partners, we’ve learned a lot about building a business, but we realize we still have so much more to learn. Perhaps most importantly, we have learned the value of creating a great team. Learning how to hand things off and delegate took us a long time. For a long time, it seemed easier to do it ourselves than to teach and trust others to do it to our expectations. Now, we teach, trust, delegate, and focus on getting better and better.


Growing from 2 people to our current team of 35 has been an overwhelming journey, but we see light at the end of the tunnel. Now, using the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), we have started to better leverage and direct the strengths of our team. EOS has guided Lin and me to empower our team to take part in leadership decisions and to lead Everkem through its next stages of growth.

It’s amazing how opening our doors to good local talent has given us the unique chemistry of people to make Everkem a great place to work and a driving force in our industry. Finding people who get it, want it, and have the capacity to do it hasn’t been easy, but using the structure of the EOS Accountability Chart© has helped us to make sure we have the “RIGHT person in the RIGHT seat.” Utilizing this position-and-duties-based structure as the road map has helped us place leaders in the right position and has fostered a culture of teamwork and accountability.

As we embark on our 23rd year, we are more focused, aligned, and committed than ever. We are determined to meet our goals and push the boundaries of what we once thought was impossible. We are excited to continue writing our Everkem Story and invite you to be a part of it. We are committed, we are passionate, and we are continuously improving to not just meet, but exceed your expectations.

We are proud to reveal our leadership team and share our EOS journey experience with you. As much as we love what we do, it’s not all about the caulk. It’s about the process and journey of building a great company, regardless of the products we make. Thank you for following along, thank you for supporting us, and thank you for helping make #caulklife a reality. 

Jason Lynch Signature